Vitality Pain Management Centers




This injection can both diagnose and treat pain coming from the sympathetic nerves. It is a standard treatment for shingles and complex regional pain syndromes affecting the lower back and legs, feet and joints of the lower extremities, and help increase blood flow to the lower extremities’ due to neuropathy. Usually, a series of these injections are needed to treat the problem.

A black and white silhouette of a pencil on a white background.


Indications for spinal cord stimulation include the following:


  •  Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBBS)
  •  Adhesive Arachnoiditis
  •  Peripheral Causalgia / Neuropathy
  •  Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)
  •  Phantom Limb / Stump Pain
  •  Ischemic Pain of a Vascular origin


Observing careful patient selection criteria ensures successful outcomes. Patients typically do best when most of their pain involves the limbs or lower back area. The patient will be required to have a psychological evaluation prior to approval for a trial in order to insure that there are no contraindications for a trial or permanent implant.

A clipboard with a check mark in a circle on it.

What to expect

The injection site is numbed using a local anesthetic. One or more insulated wire leads are inserted through an epidural needle or a needle into the space surrounding the spinal cord, called the epidural space. Electrodes at the end of the lead produce electrical pulses that stimulate the nerves, blocking pain signals to the brain. The patient gives feedback to help the physician determine where to place to place the stimulators to best block the patient’s pain. The lead is connected to an external trial stimulator, which will be used for three to seven days to determine if Spinal Cord Stimulation will help the patient. If the patient and physician determine that the amount of pain relief is acceptable, the system may be permanently implanted. At the end of the trial implantation, the lead is removed.

The trial implant will be done as an outpatient basis with fluoroscopic (x-ray) guidance with local anesthesia and lite sedation. The patient needs to tell the operator if the sensations from the stimulation pattern are covering the painful area and adjustments may need to be made for the final position/placement of the leads. The trial will last for 3-10 days with contact made with the patient during this period. Once the trial is over the leads are simply removed, and a decision will be made regarding a permanent implant. If a permanent implant is done a similar pattern of stimulation using the leads and a stimulation generator, or IPG, will be attempted. All components will be self-contained and under the skin in such a way as to be controlled through a small remote.


With the proper patient selection, psychological screening for contraindications and careful use of proper lead placement to cover the painful area as much as possible at the trial phase the outcome of spinal cord stimulation can be a life changer. It can cause the pain to be controllable for the patient with programming available for different pain throughout the day if indicated. The goal is activity and functional improvement to reasonable levels determined in the initial patient evaluation process.

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